And by "liftoff" I mean what the hell was I thinking?
"Write a blog," she said. "It'll be fun," she said. I wrote a blog for years and years and years, under a pseudonym. Truthfully, I miss it. Writing is my blow off valve. Back then, I wrote on Blogger which was basically point and shoot writing. This blog is definitely not point and shoot... at least not yet.
See, first I had to design a website. Pages, elements, headers, footers, fonts - lions and tigers and bears. Oh My! If you're reading this, I managed to pull it off. Somehow, I manage to pull off everything that I really set my mind to.
This little, itty-bitty post actually took me an entire weekend to create. Liftoff: 5,000 feet and climbing.
Alright I wanna see what’s gonna happen.
I think this is a great idea. Wishing you the best!
It actually works!! Keep it up!
It's me, Jen. If you happen to arrive here, would you mind leaving me a comment, or a like? It doesn't have to be fancy or anything - I'm dying (no pun intended) to see if this actually works. xoxo